2023 Nominations
Second's Nominating Committee is seeking your 2023 nominations for Elders, Deacons, and next year's Nominating Committee. Please give prayerful thought to people who are members of our congregation who show gifts of leadership and a commitment to the life and ministry of Second.
We are looking for individuals from all walks of life with thoughtful, reflective and creative souls to help lead Second forward in this important chapter of our church's journey. You are encouraged to nominate yourself to a position to which you feel called, and to submit as many names as you like.
Elders and Deacons are elected generally for three year terms (shorter terms are allowed). The Nominating Committee will serve for one year. All terms begin in January 2023. Please submit your nominations by filling out the form below.
Questions? Contact the Nominating Committee: Steve Gorny (Moderator and Session representative), Mike Hodgson (Session), Melissa Graybill, Susan Still, and Rev. Dr. Jared Witt, ex-officio and non-voting.
What are the responsibilities of Elders, Deacons and the Nominating Committee?
Elders share in the spiritual and practical oversight of the church and serve, with pastors, as members of the Session. Currently, Elders serve as members or moderators of the church's committees:
Administrative Committees: Buildings & Grounds, Nominating, Personnel, Finance/Stewardship, and Marketing & Communications.
Program Committees: Family Ministries, Matthew 25 & Anti-Racism Group, Worship, Congregational Life, Communications, and Adult Faith Formation
Deacons are also spiritual leaders of the church. Second's deacons oversee the caring ministries of the church and share Christ’s love during challenging life-changing situations. This is done in a variety of ways including: personal visits, phone calls, cards of encouragement, meals in times of need, etc. The team also initiates and coordinates support groups, regular prayer support, and education on end-of-life issues. This committee maintains a selection of resource material for members in the Library. Currently, deacons meeet together monthly on second Mondays.
Nominating Committee consists of seven people elected by the congregation, who will be joined by a member of Session (who will be the Moderator of the committee) and also a representative of the Deacons. The Senior Pastor and another church staff member are ex-officio non-voting members. This committee will present a slate of nominees to be elected by the congregation as Elders, Deacons and the following year’s Nominating Committee.