Worship is Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
Join us in the Sanctuary, or watch the service on our Livestreaming page.
Recent sermons are available on our Sermon Videos page. At the bottom of the page you can also find links to sermons from previous years.
Rev. Sarah A. Speed, Senior Pastor. Sarah is a seventh generation Presbyterian pastor, raised on sweet tea and in the hallways of the church. Those who know her well would describe her as a doer, an optimist, a bookworm, and an extrovert. To that list she would add early bird, Enneagram three, and a deeply hopeful Christian. Professionally, she has had the honor of serving two incredible congregations over the last seven years. In those years she has grown even more convinced that the Spirit is alive in community, that the church can make a difference, and that God is more expansive than she could possibly know.
Second is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
As a Matthew 25 church, we have accepted the PC(USA)'s invitation to follow Jesus' teachings in Matthew 25:31-46 by becoming active disciples and making a difference in our community and the world. Learn more about Matthew 25.
We are a community that takes scripture seriously, but not literally. We seek to listen to the Spirit of God who continues to speak through scripture and to our lives and relationships today. "By studying the scriptures we can begin to know of God's faithfulness, constant love and eternal goodnesss." Learn more on our denomination's “What We Believe” page.
Yes! We value being open to different ideas, perspective and life experiences. We are open, welcome and affirming of people with different physical, mental and emotional abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities, racial/ethnic backgrounds and theological and political beliefs. Following the example of Jesus, we seek to welcome all people, letting them know they are loved and valued.
Second is proud to be a More Light congregation and part of the Covenant Network. Both organizations promote the inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQIA+ individuals in the church.
At Second we enjoy connecting with God and each other through a wide range of musical styles and genres. Our Sunday morning worship services typically include hymns, organ and choral music.
Through our weekly front porch summer concerts, we have hosted artists from a variety of genres including jazz, blues, rock, hip hop, folk, classical and showtunes.
In 2020, our Session (governing board) published a statement of affirmation to advance justice, which included the following commitment: "We will join in service and collective action to build a community where God’s love, justice and mercy are shared by all people, of all ethnicities and backgrounds. We will create space for honest dialogue about our fractured histories, striving with open hearts to hear each other’s voices, even when it makes us uncomfortable and sincerely seek healing. Through prayerful and purposeful engagement in self-reflection, conversation, and education on the reality of racism, we will speak out and work diligently to bring about meaningful and tangible change to end injustice and racism. We will advocate for peace and unity in our congregation, our community, and beyond."
Second embodies our commitment to creating racial justice and equity in a number of ways. Our Racial Justice Ministries work to build community partnerships and provide anti-racism discussions, trainings and resources. Recommended racial justice resources from the group are available. In addition, Second is committed to the priorities outlined in our denomination's Matthew 25 initiative: eradicating poverty, dismantling structural racism, and building congregational vitality.
Locally, Second responds to economic uncertainty through providing volunteer and financial support to community mission partners serving our neighbors in need. We also support Second community members and others in need through an Emergency Assistance Fund.
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