During Lent, we, as Christ's followers, reflect on our lives, acknowledge our mistakes, and engage in practices that help to restore our relationship with God, ourselves, and others.
Wandering Heart
This Lent, we are walking in Peter’s shoes. Peter is one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. He is known for moments of incredible faith (such as walking on water), as well as moments of incredible heartache (such as denying Christ). Through Peter’s messy, honest, human story, we not only catch a glimpse of an honest faith journey, but we get to see Jesus’s ministry through different eyes. So, join us as we walk a mile in Peter’s shoes. Join us for the ups and downs of an authentic faith life. Join us as we sing, “bind my wandering heart to thee.”
Sermon Series
Worship Services
Ash Wednesday Worship / 6:30 p.m. / Sanctuary
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and invites us to enter this holy season with intention, purpose and reflection. Join us Wednesday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary for music, creative prayer stations, and ashes. The journey begins here.
6:30 p.m. / Westminster Hall
On Jesus’ final night, he gathered at table with his disciples, so we plan to do the same. This Maundy Thursday, we will celebrate the last supper with Dinner Church. Join us in Westminster Hall to sing, pray, study scripture, break bread, and eat together. The night will start out full of light and love and will end with the dimming of candles as we move towards Good Friday.
At-Home Resources
Good Friday is one of the most significant days in the Church calendar- it is the day that Jesus breathed his last breath. To mark this holy, somber day, at-home resources will be provided for study and reflection. Take a moment to linger in the heartache of this day, before we shift to Easter’s joy.
9:30 & 11 a.m. / Sanctuary
Easter is one of the most joyful Sundays of the year. If you need a word of hope or a reminder that love is stronger than death, then join us for worship. Services will take place at 9:30 and 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. We will have coloring sheets and packets for children to utilize, brass instruments, and the Hallelujah chorus. Bring flowers (from your yard or from the store) to add to the flower cross in the front lawn. It will be a joyful morning. We hope to see you there!
Fellowship and Connection
Take-Home Devotional Cards
This lent, we have take-home devotional cards available for purchase. These devotional cards are a tool to guide your wandering heart through the Lenten season. Each deck has 62 cards and each card comes with a centering practice, a scripture reading, and a reflection question. Stack these cards by your bed. Use the questions for journal prompts. Pick one or two that resonate with you the most and display them where you will see them. Devotional cards cost $4.
Lenten C3 Groups
March-April 20 / Various times & locations
We invite you to grow in your faith by joining a C3 group. C3 groups stand for “connection, conversation, community.” These small groups are led by members of this community and meet at different times and in different places to accommodate people’s busy schedules. The focus of this year’s C3 curriculum is on spiritual gifts. If you’d like to grow in your faith this Lent, sign-up for a group today!
Community Art Project
Every Lent we offer a community art project that will be displayed in the sanctuary on Easter morning. Details about this art project are forthcoming, but keep your eyes open for more information coming soon!
Easter Block Party
Saturday, April 19 / 10:30 a.m. - Noon
One of our favorite events of the year is the Easter Block Party! We will have activities for the whole family, from a petting zoo, to an Easter egg hunt, face painting, and more. Bring your neighbors. Bring your family and come revel in the joy of spring. We’ll see you on the front lawn!
Lent for Families
If you are looking for ways to start conversations about Lent or the death and resurrection of Jesus, check out these resources:
Lenten Faith Map - Walk through Lent together with a simple Bible passage and discussion question for each Sunday in Lent, plus one for each of the Holy Days. Adaptable for all ages!
Faithful Families for Lent, Easter, and Resurrection - This book has a great variety of resources for families interested in incorporating Lenten practices at home.